
Global IP Defender

Protect Your Vision, Secure your Future

Who we are

Intellectual Property

QismaIP is a leading intellectual property (IP) protection agency dedicated to safeguarding the innovative ideas and hard-earned success of businesses like yours. Our team of experienced specialist offers a comprehensive range of services, from business formation to NFT protection, ensuring your intellectual property is secured and ready for growth.



From Idea To Launch

Your Innovation Our Protection

From the spark of an idea to the thrill of launch, Qisma IP is your partner in safeguarding your intellectual property. We understand the vulnerability of brilliant concepts, and that’s why we offer a comprehensive shield:

Early Protection:

We work with you to identify and secure your intellectual property through patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

Expert Guidance:

Our team of specialists and partnerships with top trademark attorneys navigate the legalities, ensuring your rights are enforced effectively.


Launch with Confidence:

With your ideas secured, you can focus on bringing your vision to life, knowing Qisma IP has your back.



Brand Protection Services

Disclaimer: Qisma Digital is not a law firm, and the information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only. While we strive to offer accurate and up-to-date information, the content should not be considered legal advice. It is recommended that you consult with a qualified attorney for legal guidance specific to your situation.

Our services are designed to assist business owners in the application and filing processes related to trademarks and NFTs. We do not provide legal opinions or represent clients before legal authorities. The decision to grant trademarks or NFTs is ultimately determined by the relevant legal and governmental entities.


Trademark Assistance

Our experienced team at Qisma Digital provides comprehensive assistance with trademark applications. We understand the importance of protecting your brand identity, and we guide business owners through the process of assembling and submitting their trademark applications. From initial consultation to application submission, we’re here to streamline the process for you.

Trademark Refusal Support

Facing a trademark refusal can be a challenging situation. Qisma Digital offers expertise in navigating these situations. We work closely with business owners to understand the grounds of refusal and assist in addressing them effectively. Our goal is to increase the chances of a successful trademark registration for your brand.

NFT Filing for Brands

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have become a unique way to represent and protect your brand. Qisma Digital extends its services to help business owners file NFTs for their brands. We guide you through the process, ensuring that your brand is securely and innovatively represented in the world of digital assets.

They make it hard; we make it easy

They make it hard; we make it easy. Statistically, trademarks are abandoned due to a lack of knowledge. The USPTO’s complex process and website navigation can be challenging. We are here to simplify. We’ll tell you what’s wrong, and you decide if you want to hire us. Receive expert guidance and insights with our free analysis.



filing package

standard package


platinium package


Trademark Response and Defense Package

Key Features:

  •  Office Action Response: Receive expert guidance and assistance in crafting a strategic response to office action procedural challenges.
  •  Versatility: Suitable for Statement of Use, renewals, extensions, and other trademark maintenance tasks.


Starting at



Government fees are not included in the starting price of $299. This package provides a versatile solution for various trademark maintenance needs, ensuring your brand’s longevity. We use innovative AI software to assist us in accuracy.

Protect your ideas with an NFT

QismaIP helps you register your intellectual property (IP) as an NFT on the blockchain.


  • Publicly verifiable proof of use Enhanced security
  • Global reach & transparency
  • Potential for future monetization

Our Process:

  • IP Assessment: We’ll evaluate your intellectual property and determine the best approach for NFT registration.
  • NFT Selection & Minting: We’ll guide you in choosing the appropriate NFT platform and assist with the minting process.
  • Data Integration: We’ll work with you to incorporate all relevant details about your IP into the NFT.
  • Ongoing Support: We’ll remain your trusted partner as the NFT landscape evolves, providing guidance and support.


This information is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Please consult with an attorney at QismaIP to discuss your specific needs and circumstances.


Stop Trademark Infringement Now!

Don’t let copycats dilute your brand reputation. QISMAIP empowers you to take decisive action against trademark infringement with our comprehensive enforcement services. We stand with you to:

Safeguard Your Brand Equity: We understand the value of your brand. Trademark infringement can erode customer trust and impact your bottom line. QISMAIP helps you protect your brand identity and ensure consumers know exactly where to find the genuine article.

Regain Control, Restore Your Reputation:

We help you reclaim control of your brand narrative and minimize the damage caused by the infringement.

Enforce Your Rights Swiftly:

Our team acts quickly to identify and address infringement. We offer a range of solutions, including:

Cease and Desist Letters: We craft strong legal notices demanding infringers stop using your trademark immediately.

Website Takedown: If an infringement occurs online, we can initiate procedures to remove infringing content from websites.

Negotiation and Mediation: We can work towards an amicable resolution when appropriate.

Litigation: When necessary, our network of experienced trademark attorneys is here to fight for your rights in court.

They make it hard; we make it easy

They make it hard; we make it easy. Statistically, trademarks are abandoned due to a lack of knowledge. The USPTO’s complex process and website navigation can be challenging. We are here to simplify. We’ll tell you what’s wrong, and you decide if you want to hire us. Receive expert guidance and insights with our free analysis.

4-Step Quick eFile for Your Ideas:

Quick Capture:

Complete our simple online application for your new idea. It takes just minutes to capture the essence of your intellectual property.

Rapid Response:

Within 12 hours, a Qisma IP specialist will reach out to you by phone to discuss your idea and answer any initial questions.


We’ll work with you to schedule a convenient time to officially file your intellectual property. Our team will be there to guide you through the process.


We’ll work with you to schedule a convenient time to officially file your intellectual property. Our team will be there to guide you through the process.

Level Up Your Brand in the Metaverse:

NFT eFiling by QismaIP

The innovative world of NFTs presents exciting opportunities for brands. Qisma IP stays ahead of the curve by offering a cost-effective and streamlined solution for filing your brand as an NFT.


Briefly tell us about your brand and desired NFT.


Our experts discuss options and guide you through the NFT landscape.


We assist you in crafting a compelling NFT representation of your brand.


We handle the eFiling, ensuring your brand owns its place in the metaverse.


We are not attorneys, but trademark specialists. We assist with the application assembly. For more delicate matters, we partner with trademark and patent attorneys, available upon request with special pricing. Our services make qualified help affordable. We are completely transparent. You have up to 24 hours after purchase to give us the green light to proceed. During this period, we will notify you of the expected government fees and thoroughly explain the process and probability of rejection or approval. We use developed AI to assist in helping business owners assemble and understand the trademark process. We are not just a transaction; we are your partners in brand protection.

Schedule a free consultation!